Freshly toasted Italian bread crumbs, two incredibly rich sausages, and so unbelievably moist, it will surely impress your guests for the big feast this...
Simple and quick to prepare. Sugar snap peas are quickly fried with green onion and garlic, and tossed with fresh mint leaves. Wonderful use for spring...
A flavorful dressing for a pasta salad. With the combination of mayo and olive oil, a light and creamy dressing is created that allows the flavor from...
I don't think I would ever sit down to eat just a bowl of refried beans, but they make everything they're served on, with, or in, infinitely better. Just...
This is a wonderful side dish that goes great with ham or pork. It's wonderful for that big crowd at Thanksgiving and Christmas, and very quick and easy...
Go figure - everyone is being good and posting healthy meals since it is the beginning of the year, and here I am tempting you with a very unhealthy dish!...
This is really delicious on its own, but I use it mainly to serve alongside brownies, bread pudding, apple pie, berries, or poached pears. You can either...
Chimichurri is a fabulous green sauce that's been steadily growing in popularity across the American restaurant landscape. This herby, garlicky, tangy,...
A perfect blend of flavors for a salad dressing that will get you rave reviews. Serve at once or refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 5 days....